Tyne Amateur Rowing Club was founded in 1852 and is one of the oldest sporting clubs in the country. We have well over 400 members, about half of whom row more or less actively.
How we are governed
The club is democratically governed by and for its members under its constitution (see below for download). The club is a Registered Charity and is affiliated to British Rowing.
The club has a number of honorary officers - President and Vice Presidents - who can and do provide advice but do not have any specific powers or responsibilities.
Trustees and Rowing Committee
The club has up to 12 Trustees, who are ultimately responsible for the club's operation as a charity. Trustees have a fixed term and elections for vacant places take place at the AGM in the summer/autumn. See below for current incumbents The Trustees elect their own chair.
The rowing side of the club is run on a day-to-day basis by its Rowing Committee, with vacancies filled by election each year at the AGM. The Rowing Committee consists of the the Club Chair, Captain, three Vice Captains, Secretary and Treasurer plus up to seven ordinary members. See below for current incumbents.
The club AGM was held in the autumn up to 2022, but in 2023 is being moved to July so that officers can be in place for the new winter rowing season starting in September. It also allows subscriptions for the rowing year Sep-Aug to be consdered at the right time. Extraordinary General Meetings can be called 'as and when' to discuss urgent business, which from 2023 will inlcude consideration of the accounts, probably in February. The last AGM was on 19 July 2023 - see the dedicated page here.
The Trustees are responsible overall for the running of the club but delegate much to the Rowing Committee. The Trustees set the strategic direction of the club and monitor the actions of the Committee. The Trustees also oversee the employment of the paid staff of the club. They delegate day-to-day managemetn to the
The Chair of the Rowing Committee coordinates the running of the sports side of the club. The Captain is directly responsible for most aspects of rowing, but is assisted by the three Vice-Captains, who are responsible for looking after the equipment, managing the squads (with the help of coaches and squad coordinators) and running events.
The Rowing Committee can also appoint a range of advisers, which must include at least a Club Rowing Safety Adviser and a Club Welfare Officer. The Trustees meet quarterly and the Committee meets monthly. Agenda papers and minutes for the Rowing Committee are available to full members from the Secretary on request.
You can help too
All members of the club are encouraged to play an active role in helping out around the club, whether it be assisting us to run junior or learn to row sessions, launch driving, catering, cleaning and repair of buildings, maintaining boats, ......... the list is endless. Contact a Rowing Committee member to volunteer.
Who they are
Names of Trustees, Officers and Rowing Committee members for 2023-24 as elected or confirmed at the AGM on 19 July 2023 can be found below. If no email address is shown, please use the form on the Contact us page here. Do not put sensitive information in the form - the right person will get back to you for details if necessary.
Water Row,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
NE15 8NL
Water Row,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
NE15 8NL
This post is as appointed by the Trustees